Researchers’ Registry

Researchers’ Registry2018-01-02T13:27:14+03:00

Public Opinion Research Unit of the University Research Institute collaborates with Researchers who are members of its Researchers’ Registry. Participation in the Unit’s activities is a fully-paid, professional partnership.

The members of the Registry have the opportunity to participate in activities regarding training, education and participation in seminars and other events of the Unit.

Once a year, scholarships are opened and only members of the Researchers’ Registry can participate.

Registration requests are posted on this site as well as on facebook.




The defeat of the government

By Nikos Marantzidis and George Siakas*

The latest survey conducted by PORU (fielded in 3-4 Nov, 2016) not only corroborates the general disappointment of the Greek population and the significant precedence of the ND over SYRIZA with regard to the opinion’s preference, but shows for the first time such high numbers of dissatisfaction for the government’s performance among its voters.


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