Researchers’ Registry

Researchers’ Registry2018-01-02T13:27:14+03:00

Public Opinion Research Unit of the University Research Institute collaborates with Researchers who are members of its Researchers’ Registry. Participation in the Unit’s activities is a fully-paid, professional partnership.

The members of the Registry have the opportunity to participate in activities regarding training, education and participation in seminars and other events of the Unit.

Once a year, scholarships are opened and only members of the Researchers’ Registry can participate.

Registration requests are posted on this site as well as on facebook.




The role of the Politicians, Media and the Intellectuals

*By Giannis Armakolas

The survey was conducted by PORU and it was presented in the Greek newspaper Kathimerini.

The Greek public opinion with regards to the name issue is that the Western Organizations and the Western Countries support the FYROM or, at least, support the benefit of both sides. On the contrary, a significant minority of 5% believes that the EU, NATO and the basic allies (USA and Germany) act for Greece’s benefit. This finding should be a concern, since it is a central strategic choice of Greek diplomacy to exert pressure to resolve the dispute with FYROM through Western institutions in which Greece participates.

On the other hand, it is noticeable that the Greek public opinion gradually shifts positively towards Russia. Nearly one-in-five respondents considers that Russia’s intervention is for the benefit of Greece, a percentage slightly smaller than those who believe that Russia is favorable to the FYROM and those who consider Russia as an actor for the benefit of both countries.

*The official article was presented in Greek and you can read it here.

*Giannis Armakolas is an Assisstant Professor at the University of Macedonia and a Researcher in the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy.

Attitudes and perceptions of the Greek public opinion towards FYROM

By Nikos Marantzidis and George Siakas*

PORU conducted a study commissioned by the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy ELIAMEP on 23-25 January, 2018 regarding the relations between Greece and FYRO Macedonia and it was presented in the Greek newspaper Kathimerini (


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