The regular monthly political barometer was conducted by PORU (fielded on 13-15 October 2014) and presented on SKAI tv network ( on October, 17, 2014.

Some of the most important findings are:

  1. 43% believe the parliament as it is now should vote for a new President but 49,5 believe it better to elect President after parliamentary elections.
  2. 39,5% believe the government with Antonis Samaras will not paid out the memorandum and 10,5% believe that it will.
  3. Regarding the 40% of voters none of candidates, Mr. Samaras and Mr. Tsipras, are trustful. 18% answered Mr. Samaras is and 19,5% Mr. Tsipras is.

*The official report was presented in Greek and you could find it here.